SQL Server Performance – Slow SELECT with Many LEFT JOINs

performancequery-performancesql server

I would like some advice on how I could optimize the performance of a query that is stored in a procedure.

Previously, it took 20 minutes and now we can get it in 13 minutes. But it's still a long time.

I've checked the indexes several times, updated the statistics too and got the 13 minutes running.

I also tried to replace the logic of LEFT JOIN with OUTER APPLY but performance deteriorated.

Strangely, when I removed the [ShowToUser] = 1 filter in the WHERE clause, in SSMS the query was very fast (all records have a value of 1), so I commented this line of code and I removed the indexes with this column, as I thought it unnecessary. But when processing via application, the performance was even worse!

SELECT COUNT([Id]) AS [Events],
    (SUM([UserCost]) / COUNT(DISTINCT [ReferenceMonth])) AS [AverageCostMonth],
    MAX([ReferenceMonth]) AS [ReferenceMonth],
                WHEN [ReferenceMonth] = @referenceMonthEnd
                    THEN [UserCost]
                ELSE 0
                END) AS DECIMAL(18, 4)) AS [CostSumLastReference],
        WHEN ServicesValue > 0
            THEN (
                    ServicesValue - CAST(SUM(CASE 
                                WHEN [ReferenceMonth] = @referenceMonthEnd
                                    THEN [UserCost]
                                ELSE 0
                                END) AS DECIMAL(18, 4))
                    ) * 100 / ServicesValue
        ELSE 0
        END AS ServicesPercent,
        WHEN Meta > 0
            THEN (
                    Meta - CAST(SUM(CASE 
                                WHEN [ReferenceMonth] = @referenceMonthEnd
                                    THEN [UserCost]
                                ELSE 0
                                END) AS DECIMAL(18, 4))
                    ) * 100 / Meta
        ELSE 0
        END AS MetaPercent
        [c].[Id] AS [ClientId],
        [p2].[Id] AS [PersonId],
        [mg].[Fullname] AS [Manager],
        [cn].[Id] AS [ClientPhoneNumberId],
        [n].[Number] AS [PhoneNumber],
        [dp].[Name] AS [Departament],
        [tcc].[Name] AS [CostCenter],
        [tcc].[Code] AS [CostCenterCode],
        [tu].[InitialDate] AS [TelecomUserInitialDate],
        [tu].[EndDate] AS [TelecomUserEndDate],
        [a].[ReferenceMonth] AS [ReferenceMonth],
        [tu].[Id] AS [TelecomUserId],
        tu.goal AS Meta,
            WHEN @phoneCompanyId IS NOT NULL
                THEN [cn].[PhoneCompanyId]
            ELSE NULL
            END AS [PhoneCompanyId],
        [cp].[TradingName] [PhoneCompanyName],
        CAST([t].[UserCost] AS DECIMAL(18, 4)) AS [UserCost]
    FROM [telecom].[CallDetailRecord] AS [t]
    LEFT JOIN [telecom].[TelecomBill] AS [a]
        ON [a].[Id] = [t].[TelecomBillId]
    LEFT JOIN [telecom].[TelecomBillAccount] AS [tba]
        ON [tba].[Id] = [a].[TelecomBillAccountId]
    LEFT JOIN [telecom].[TelecomBillAccountContract] AS [tbacon]
        ON [tbacon].[TelecomBillAccountId] = [tba].[Id]
    LEFT JOIN [doc].[PersonContract] AS [pcontr]
        ON [pcontr].[Id] = [tbacon].[ContractId]
    LEFT JOIN [people].[Person] AS [p]
        ON [p].[Id] = [pcontr].[ContractorId]
    LEFT JOIN [customer].[Client] AS [c]
        ON [c].[PersonId] = [p].[Id]
    LEFT JOIN [telecom].[PhoneNumber] AS [n]
        ON [n].[Id] = [t].[PhoneNumberId]
    LEFT JOIN [telecom].[ClientPhoneNumber] AS [cn]
        ON [cn].[PhoneNumberId] = [n].[Id]
            AND [cn].[ClientId] = [c].[Id]
    LEFT JOIN [telecom].[TelecomUser] AS [tu]
        ON [tu].[ClientPhoneNumberId] = [cn].[Id]
    LEFT JOIN [people].[Person] AS [cp]
        ON [cp].Id = [cn].[PhoneCompanyId]
    LEFT JOIN [people].[Person] AS [p2]
        ON [p2].[Id] = [tu].[PersonId]
    LEFT JOIN [people].[Person] AS [mg]
        ON [mg].[Id] = [p2].[SuperiorId]
    LEFT JOIN [people].[Departament] AS [dp]
        ON [dp].[Id] = [cn].[DepartamentId]
    LEFT JOIN [accounting].[CostCenter] AS [cc]
        ON [cc].[Id] = [dp].[CostCenterId]
    LEFT JOIN [telecom].[TelecomUserCostCenter] AS [tuc]
        ON [tuc].[TelecomUserId] = [tu].[Id]
    LEFT JOIN [accounting].[CostCenter] AS [tcc]
        ON [tcc].[Id] = [tuc].[CostCenterId]
    LEFT JOIN [telecom].[PhoneNumber] AS [n1]
        ON [n1].[Id] = [t].[CalledPhoneNumberId]
    WHERE (
            [t].[CallDate] BETWEEN [tu].[InitialDate]
                AND (
                            WHEN [tu].[EndDate] IS NULL
                                THEN getdate()
                            ELSE [tu].[EndDate]
            OR [t].[CallDate] IS NULL
        AND [ShowToUser] = 1
        AND [c].[Id] = @clientId
        AND [p2].[SuperiorId] = @superiorId
        AND [cn].[PhoneCompanyId] = ISNULL(@phoneCompanyId, [cn].[PhoneCompanyId])
        AND (
            ISNULL([cn].[DepartamentId], 0) = ISNULL(@departamentId, 0)
            OR [cn].[DepartamentId] = ISNULL(@departamentId, [cn].[DepartamentId])
        AND [a].[ReferenceMonth] BETWEEN @referenceMonthInitial
            AND @referenceMonthEnd
    ) AS tb
GROUP BY [ClientId],

Best Answer

Good work updating statistics as well as checking indexes.

With that monster, you need to simplify and reduce the load and complexity as early as possible.

  • Anything in your WHERE clause that can be put into a JOIN safely should be, unless you measure a performance degradation.
    • such as an equality to a parameter!
    • this lets SQL eliminate rows as early as possible
  • Create #temp tables for subsets of those tables - a few joined together at a time

    • And put useful unique clustered indexes on those #temp tables!
    • Apply your filtering as early as possible, getting only the rows you need
    • Get ONLY the columns you need, plus enough for uniqueness (to prevent bad data)

    • As an example, CREATE TABLE #cnAndSubset (cols you need), and then INSERT into it every row you need from cn and every table that joins ONLY on cn. Index that #temp table and then replace the existing many joins in the query with one join to the #temp table. Repeat with reasonable sets until performance levels off.

  • Figure out WHY you have the DISTINCT and that massive GROUP BY

    • Most common cause: joins that fail to isolate only the rows required correctly
    • on that GROUP BY - if Manager is ALWAYS the same for a given PersonId, and you're already grouping on PersonID, take the MAX(Manager) or MIN(Manager), don't group by it!