SQL Server – Select Rows Based on Values from One Column Being the Same

ctesql serversql-server-2008-r2t-sqlwindow functions

An example of my database table

film id | scene id | value id
   0    |     0    |     7
   0    |     1    |     1
   0    |     1    |     0
   1    |     2    |     8
   1    |     2    |     3
   1    |     3    |     1
   2    |     4    |     3
   2    |     4    |     7
   2    |     5    |     2

I want to select rows where the value id is equal to 8 or 3 only if they are both in a row with the same scene id.

My desired result would be:

film id | scene id | value id
   1    |     2    |     8
   1    |     2    |     3

I tried grouping by count of scene id but it would output this:

film id | scene id | value id
   1    |     2    |     8
   1    |     2    |     3
   2    |     4    |     3

where the last row was included because there were multiple values of scene id.

Best Answer

for selecting values based on a specific column being the same you could have a look at NTILE

Distributes the rows in an ordered partition into a specified number of groups. The groups are numbered, starting at one. For each row, NTILE returns the number of the group to which the row belongs.

there are actually many options, including common_table_expression

on your example:

use tempdb
if object_id('tempdb..radhe','U') is not null
   drop table radhe

create table  radhe(
 [Film Id] int not null
,[Scene Id] int not null
,[Value Id]int not null

insert into radhe ([Film Id],[Scene Id],[Value Id])
   0    ,     0    ,     7
union all select 
   0    ,     1    ,     1
union all select 
   0    ,     1    ,     0
union all select 
   1    ,     2    ,     8
union all select 
   1    ,     2    ,     3
union all select 
   1    ,     3    ,     1
union all select 
   2    ,     4    ,     3
union all select 
   2    ,     4    ,     7
union all select 
   2    ,     5    ,     2

--I want to select rows 
--where the value id is equal to 8 or 3 
--only if they are both in a row with the same scene id.

--using a cte
;with t8 as (

        SELECT r.[Film Id], r.[Scene Id], r.[Value Id]
        FROM radhe r
        WHERE r.[Value Id]IN (8) 
) ,
t3 as (

        SELECT r.[Film Id], r.[Scene Id], r.[Value Id]
        FROM radhe r
        WHERE r.[Value Id]IN (3) 

select t8.* 
from t8
inner join t3
        on t8.[Scene Id] = t3.[Scene Id]
union all
select t3.* 
from t8
inner join t3
        on t8.[Scene Id] = t3.[Scene Id]


--using NTILE
select r.[Film Id], r.[Scene Id], r.[Value Id]
    NTILE(2) OVER (ORDER BY [Scene Id]) [NTILE],
FROM Radhe
WHERE [Value Id]IN (3,8) 
) r
where r.NTILE = 1

enter image description here

the results are the same but what about the performance?

enter image description here

check this and this out.