SQL Server – Select Entries Based on Combination of Columns

greatest-n-per-groupsql serversql-server-2008t-sql

I have a table with a definition like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Contact]
    ClientNumber [numeric] (20, 0) NULL,
    ContactDate [Date] NULL,
    Name [text] NULL,
    AdditionalInformation [text] NULL

This table is filled with information for a single month. Each client may have multiple entries for a single day. Meaning there might be entries like this:

42  2015-12-09  Felix       called today
42  2015-12-09  Fexclicx    ...

My goal is to get all client results from the table with the condition that there should be only one entry a day per client number. I do not care which of the (here) two entries is displayed, so something like top 1.

So far I tried to achieve this with a distinct:

select distinct ClientNumber, ContactDate, * from Contact

Unfortunately this does not limit the results to show a client entry for a specific date only once. They still all do appear. Also the problem is that there are no id's in this table so I cannot work with that.

How could I achieve getting all entries but only one entry for one client per day?

Best Answer

To create sample schema and data

 IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Contact', 'U') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE #Contact ;

    TABLE   #Contact
            ClientNumber [numeric] (20, 0) NULL,
            ContactDate [Date] NULL,
            Name [text] NULL,
            AdditionalInformation [text] NULL

    INTO    #Contact

    VALUES  (111,'2016-03-11','A','A'),       

Actual query

;WITH   CTERowNumber
AS      (
        SELECT  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ClientNumber, ContactDate ORDER BY ClientNumber DESC) AS RowNumber
        FROM    #Contact

SELECT  c.RowNumber
FROM    CTERowNumber c
WHERE   c.RowNumber = 1 ;

To return

RowNumber   ClientNumber    ContactDate Name    AdditionalInformation
1           111             2016-03-11  A       A
1           112             2016-03-11  C       C
1           112             2016-03-12  A       A
1           112             2016-03-13  A       A
1           112             2016-03-14  A       A
1           113             2016-03-14  B       B