Sql-server – Running each SQL Server service under different Windows accounts

sql server

Besides the Database Engine, SQL Server has some additional Services, namely:

  • SQL Server Integration Services
  • SQL Server Analysis Services
  • SQL Server Reporting Services
  • SQL Server Agent

Should each one of them have separate Windows accounts?

If so, what are the benefits of using this more finegrained account setup? Is it practical?

If not, what would be a good, recommended account setup for the SQL Server and its additional services?

Best Answer

Typically they aren't run under a different account, but all under the same Windows account. This makes the management much simpler as there is only one account's password to change. The downside to this is that if the password needs to be changed for the account all the servers need to be restarted at once.

As for permissions, just set the SQL account as a normal domain user, and let the SQL installer modify the rights on the machine that are needed. It will give the account the rights that it needs to run SQL.

The benefit to having one account per service is that you get a more fine grained control of what objects on the domain each account gets rights to. While more secure in larger environments it often isn't practical to control things at this level as you'll quickly end up with hundreds or thousands of accounts just for running SQL Services.