Sql-server – Running a number of .sql files using SQLCMD

error handlingsql-server-2008-r2sqlcmd

I'm trying to put together a batch file to run a large number of .sql files without doing so individually.

So far I have:

@echo off
echo "Enter Server"
set /p SERVER=

echo "Enter Database"
set /p DATABASE=

del *.log

for /r %%i in (*.sql) do sqlcmd -E -S %SERVER% -d %DATABASE% -i"%%i" -m0 -o"%%i.log" -w500 


This works as far as it goes.

However what I really want to do is route any errors to a separate .err file, so that it is very clear at a glance which of the (100+) files failed.

I saw the :Error parameter, but I'm not sure how to apply it here.

Is there an easy way to acheive this?

Best Answer

for /r %%i in (*.sql) do sqlcmd -E -S %SERVER% -d %DATABASE% -i"%%i" -m0 -w500  -b -r  >%%i.log  2>%%i.err

Not perfect since it creates an empty error output file when there are no errors, but a .err file with > 0 bytes will have the errors.

for %%a in (*.err) do if %%~za==0 del "%%a"

..if that's a problem...