Sql-server – Reverse SQL Server Listener

availability-groupssql serversql-server-2012ssisssis-2012

The company that I work for runs our DMS database in an HA group with Always On. So there is a listener that we connect any applications to.

We also have SSIS on the secondary replica of the HA group, which seems to be pulling data from the primary replica which puts a strain on the application and the end users.

Is there a way to set up a reverse listener where the application or user will be pointed toward the secondary replica instead of the primary replica?


Best Answer

Check out this article on MSSQLTips.com on how to configure readable secondaries and read-only routing in SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Availability Groups.

Basically, as long as you're only doing read workload, you enable readable secondaries and set up routing in your AG and any requests with Application Intent=ReadOnly in the connection string will connect to the secondary and perform its read workload there.

If your application needs to do any write workload, it must use a different connection that does not specify read-only intent in the connection string otherwise it will error when trying to perform the writes.

Also, make sure you validate your licensing scenario to make sure your secondary is properly licensed for performing read workloads.