Sql-server – Reset / force SQL Agent Next run date


I need to test SQL Agent over a period of time, so need to change the system clock into the future quite often (and back)… don't worry it's only my local machine not a server 🙂

The trouble is when I set it back again to the present date time, the next run date still ad-hears to the future times.

e.g. If I've put my clock into the future and the job is set to run every minute and it was last run in 11/01/2080 01:01:00 then it's next run is 11/01/2080 01:02:00, even if I set the clock back to the present.

It is understandable that this is the normal behaviour of SQL Server. Is there a way of resetting the next run date easily?

I've tried running the job manually but it has no effect on the next run time.

Best Answer

After the good work done by Aaron, I found that executing the result from my ReloadJobSchedules column below did the trick. For some reason I couldn't get the schedule to refresh to the correct next run date by manually updating msdb.dbo.sys.sysjobschedules.next_run_date .

SELECT  j.name AS JobName
        ,sch.name AS ScheduleName
        ,'EXECUTE msdb..sp_update_jobschedule @job_name = ''' + j.name + ''', @name = ''' + sch.name + '''' AS ReloadJobSchedules
FROM    msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules s
        msdb.dbo.sysschedules sch
        ON  s.schedule_id = sch.schedule_id
        msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
        ON s.job_id = j.job_id
WHERE   sch.[enabled] = 1       