SQL Server – Representing a Many-to-One Relationship in a Database Diagram

constraintdatabase-designdatabase-diagramssql server

I have two tables loadingDetail, and stowageDetail:

loadingDetail           | stowageDetail
[PK] loadingID (int)    | [PK] StowageID (int)
[PK] transactionID (in) | [PK] room (int)
                        | [UNIQUE] transactionID (int) 
  • transactionID in loadingDetail can be duplicated when the loadingID value is different.
  • transactionID in stowageDetail is UNIQUE.
  • many transactionID values in loadingDetail can have only one transactionID in stowageDetail.
  • transactionID in loadingDetail can be deleted when there is no transactionID in stowageDetail (No Action)

How I can represent that in a database diagram?

Additional information

I'm really looking for a database-diagram possible answer. But I tried to find something about many-to-one relationships in database diagrams and it seems can't find it. The relationship is like many Containers put inside Big Box. The Containers just can removed if the Big Box is already removed. The supported database diagram "I know" is one-to-many which in my condition does not fit because the Box is removed the first, then Containers the second.

Best Answer

transactionID in loadingDetail can be duplicated when the loadingID different

This is your requirement.Table composite key already handling this.

transactionID in stowageDetail is UNIQUE

This is your requirement

•many transactionID in loadingDetail just can have 1 transactionID in stowageDetail

This is your requirement.This can Unique index. Or it can be handle via code/trigger. This can never be FK constraint.You cannot define partial FK constraint.

•transactionID in loadingDetail can be deleted when there is no transactionID in stowageDetail (No Action)

Because you cannot define partial FK constraint. You have to handle this via code.**Instead of Trigger** is ideal for this scenario.

I assume you cannot define transactionID and loadingID as FK in stowageDetail table because of your requirement.

Read this

As per your requirement, your design is already ok.Adding any other candidate key is useless. you cannot do it via PK-FK constraint.