Sql-server – Replace all column values with other values in the same column according to primary key

queryreplacesql serversyntax

I'm querying the following table:

id value applicable
id1 5 Unknown
id1 5 Unknown
id1 6 Yes
id 2 5 Unknown
id 2 5 No
id 2 3 Unknown

I would like to replace all "Unknowns" in the applicable column, with the non-unknown values pertaining to each id.

Ideally, I would like to see this:

id value applicable
id1 5 Yes
id1 5 yes
id1 6 Yes
id 2 5 No
id 2 5 No
id 2 3 No

Sorry if this a very easy question, I'm new to this!

Thank you

Best Answer

This expects one one value besides of unknown, if this si not the case you must choose another aggregation function

    ([id] varchar(4), [value] int, [applicable] varchar(7))
    ([id], [value], [applicable])
    ('id1', 5, 'Unknown'),
    ('id1', 5, 'Unknown'),
    ('id1', 6, 'Yes'),
    ('id 2', 5, 'Unknown'),
    ('id 2', 5, 'No'),
    ('id 2', 3, 'Unknown')
UPDATE table1
SET    table1.[applicable]  = t1.[applicable] 
FROM   table1
       INNER JOIN (SELECT [id],MIN([applicable]) as [applicable] FROM table1  WHERE  [applicable] <> 'Unknown' GROUP BY [id]) t1
         ON table1.id = t1.id
SELECT * FROM    table1
id   | value | applicable
:--- | ----: | :---------
id1  |     5 | Yes       
id1  |     5 | Yes       
id1  |     6 | Yes       
id 2 |     5 | No        
id 2 |     5 | No        
id 2 |     3 | No        

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