SQL Server – Removing String Prefix

sql serverstringt-sql

I have a string of numbers that I need to trim a portion from using TSQL.

The string of numbers will always start with 101 then it will have a set of 0s and a set of random numbers. Example:


I need to trim the 101 and the set of zeros. This is probably simple but I'm having all kinds of issues because I don't have a specific character to reference to using a CHARINDEX and the possible combination of a 001 when the random numbers start that I need to keep is giving me issues using a PATINDEX with a SUBSTRING.

Best Answer

The SUBSTRING(n, 3+PATINDEX('%[^0]%', SUBSTRING(n, 4, LEN(n))), LEN(n)) expression should work.

  • first, it strips the first 3 characters: SUBSTRING(n, 4, LEN(n))
  • then it use PATINDEX() with the '%[^0]%' pattern to locate where the digits after the 0s start: PATINDEX('%[^0]%', SUBSTRING(n, 4, LEN(n)))
  • then it uses SUBSTRING() and the previously found number (+3), to keep only the wanted digits (from the patindex number found up to the end.)

Test at SQL-Fiddle