Sql-server – Recursive CTE with partition

recursivesql server

I have a table like this in MS SQL SERVER 2014:

1 |21  |11  
2 |21  |NULL
3 |21  |NULL  
4 |21  |NULL  
5 |29  |65  
6 |29  |NULL  
7 |29  |NULL  
8 |29  |NULL 

I am trying to fill up the Lap column by adding 1 to it based on the first value. The partition is based on Race column. Something like this would be the end result:

1 |21  |11  
2 |21  |12
3 |21  |13  
4 |21  |14  
5 |29  |65  
6 |29  |66  
7 |29  |67  
8 |29  |68  

There might be other ways of doing this but I would rather stick with recursive CTE. Is there any way to do this?

Best Answer

This would produce the expected result:

create table #demo (id int, race int, lap int)
insert into #demo values (1,21,11),(2,21,null),(3,21,null),(4,21,null),(5,29,65),(6,29,null),(7,29,null),(8,29,null);

with CTE as
(select race, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by race  order by race) "extra_lap" from #demo where lap is null),
CTE2 as 
(select race, lap "lap" from #demo where lap is not null)
select race, lap from CTE2
select CTE.race, CTE2.lap + CTE.extra_lap "lap" from CTE join CTE2 on CTE.race=CTE2.race

drop table #demo;