Sql-server – Recursive CTE to find Total for all children

cterecursivesql servert-sql

Here is an assembly tree that I want to search using a recursive T-SQL Query (presumably CTE) with the expected results below. I want to know the total amount per assembly given any part.

Meaning if I search for 'Rivet', I want to know the total count at each level within the assembly, not just the direct children count.

Assembly (id:1)
    |-SubAssembly (id:2)
    |   |
    |   |-Rivet
    |   |-Bolt
    |   |-Bolt
    |   |-SubSubAssembly (id:3)
    |      |
    |      |-Rivet
    |      |-Rivet
    |-SubAssembly (id:4)

    DESIRED Results
    ID, Count
    1 , 6
    2 , 3
    3 , 2
    4 , 1

Currently, I can get the direct parents, but want to know how to extend my CTE to allow me to roll this information upward.

With DirectParents AS(
Select InstanceID, ParentID
From Instances i 
Where i.Part = 'Rivet'

--recursive execution
Select i.InstanceID, i.ParentID
From PartInstances i  INNER JOIN DirectParents p
on i.ParentID = p.InstanceID


select ParentID, Count(instanceid) as Totals
from DirectParents
group by InstanceID, ParentID

ID, Count
1 , 2
2 , 2
3 , 2
4 , 1

Creation script

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Instances] ( 
  [InstanceID] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, 
  [Part] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, 
  [ParentID] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, );

INSERT INTO Instances 
  (1, 'Assembly', 0), 
  (50, 'Rivet', 1), 
  (50, 'Rivet', 1), 
  (2, 'SubAssembly', 1), 
  (50, 'Rivet', 2), 
  (51, 'Bolt', 2), 
  (51, 'Bolt', 2), 
  (3, 'SubSubAssembly', 2), 
  (50, 'Rivet', 3), 
  (50, 'Rivet', 3), 
  (4, 'SubAssembly2', 1), 
  (50, 'Rivet', 4), 
  (51, 'Bolt', 4)

Best Answer

This recursive CTE (SQL Fiddle) should work with your sample:

WITH cte(ParentID) AS(
    SELECT ParentID FROM @Instances WHERE [Part] = 'Rivet'
    SELECT i.ParentID FROM cte c
    INNER JOIN @Instances i ON c.ParentID = i.InstanceID
    WHERE i.ParentID > 0
SELECT ParentID, count(*) 
FROM cte


ParentID    Count
1           6
2           3
3           2
4           1

Note: You mentioned in comments that the question only contains a simplified sample table and real data have proper indexes and handle duplicates and data adequately.

Data used (SQL Fiddle):

DECLARE @Instances TABLE( 
    [InstanceID] int NOT NULL
    , [Part] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL
    , [ParentID] int NOT NULL

INSERT INTO @Instances([InstanceID], [Part], [ParentID])
    (1, 'Assembly', 0)
    , (50, 'Rivet', 1)
    , (50, 'Rivet', 1)
    , (2, 'SubAssembly', 1)
    , (50, 'Rivet', 2)
    , (51, 'Bolt', 2)
    , (51, 'Bolt', 2)
    , (3, 'SubSubAssembly', 2)
    , (50, 'Rivet', 3)
    , (50, 'Rivet', 3)
    , (4, 'SubAssembly2', 1)
    , (50, 'Rivet', 4)
    , (51, 'Bolt', 4)