SQL Server – Creating Re-Usable Queries

sql serversql-server-2008-r2t-sql

I have 3 tables with the exact same DDL (I know that is a horrid set-up), but each one has a different values for a field. I am hoping to be able to have a way to write ONE query for all 3 selects as opposed to having to use 3 different select queries. Here is sample DDL and the individual queries, could this be merged into 1 query?

Create Table InfoForJane
  genid int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY
  ,name varchar(500)
  ,numofdays varchar(100)
Create Table InfoForJoe
  genid int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY
  ,name varchar(500)
  ,numofdays varchar(100)
Create Table InfoForJessie
  genid int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY
  ,name varchar(500)
  ,numofdays varchar(100)

And here are the queries that I would ideally like merged into one

  when numofdays NOT IN ('1-3','4-6','7-9') then '1-3'
  else numofdays
end As [NumofDays]
from rashapa.munich.dbo.InfoForJane

  when numofdays NOT IN ('1-5','6-10','11-14') then '1-5'
  else numofdays
end As [NumofDays]
from rashapa.munich.dbo.InfoForJoe

  when numofdays NOT IN ('1-2','3-8','8-12') then '1-2'
  else numofdays
end As [NumofDays]
from rashapa.munich.dbo.InfoForJessie

Best Answer

I think you are looking for the "UNION ALL" operator. See the example below. If you are going to be using this a lot, you could even turn it into a view and then query the view. I've added a column "SourceTable" but that is my personal preference when doing things like this, your needs may vary and it may be superfluous for your environment.

SELECT  genid
      , name
      , SourceTable = 'InfoForJane'
      , CASE WHEN numofdays NOT IN ( '1-3', '4-6', '7-9' ) THEN '1-3'
             ELSE numofdays
        END AS [NumofDays]
FROM    rashapa.munich.dbo.InfoForJane
SELECT  genid
      , name
      , SourceTable = 'InfoForJoe'
      , CASE WHEN numofdays NOT IN ( '1-5', '6-10', '11-14' ) THEN '1-5'
             ELSE numofdays
        END AS [NumofDays]
FROM    rashapa.munich.dbo.InfoForJoe
SELECT  genid
      , name
      , SourceTable = 'InfoForJessie'
      , CASE WHEN numofdays NOT IN ( '1-2', '3-8', '8-12' ) THEN '1-2'
             ELSE numofdays
        END AS [NumofDays]
FROM    rashapa.munich.dbo.InfoForJessie;