SSRS 2012 – Querying the Username in a Shared Data Source


I am running a project to go over all logins of all our SSRS 2012 datasources and I need a complete list of all datasources, INCLUDING the loginname used to connect. I couldn't find it anywhere.

I am convinced the datasource loginnames must be stored somewhere inside the database, or the RDL's themselves.

Does anyone have a clue how I can list all datasource login names of these different datasources?

See attached pic for details:

The Content column in Catalog table only contains the connection string and whether the data source is using Windows credentials (authentications) or not the username

SELECT AS SharedDsName 
       ,CONVERT(xml, CONVERT(varbinary(max), content)) AS DEF 
 FROM dbo.[Catalog] AS SDS 
 WHERE SDS.Type = 5

I did found the Username of the data source with this query :

select DSID, ItemID, SubscriptionID, Name, Extension, Link, 
CredentialRetrieval, Prompt, ConnectionString, 
OriginalConnectionString, OriginalConnectStringExpressionBased, 
UserName, Password, Flags, Version
FROM DataSource

But it's encrypted – not only the password is encrypted, but also the username itself.

I would appreciate a lead into the right direction.

Thanks in advance!


Best Answer

After doing some digging, I doubt you'll be able to find an unencrypted list anywhere. It's storing it in the report server, so the SSRS engine is encrypting it on it's own; i.e it's generating a key and salt in the engine code and using it to encrypt\decrypt those columns. You won't be able to query it via T-SQL, but you might have better luck using PowerShell to parse through the HTML on the reporting front end.

I believe the tag in question is the value for input named "ui_txtStoredName". I attached a picture as an example.

Example SSRS Data Source