Sql-server – Query to get queue position for each group

gaps-and-islandsgroup bysql serversql-server-2008-r2t-sql

I have a queue table with the following sample data:

id  company location
1   acme    new york
2   acme    philadelphia
3   genco   st.louis
4   genco   san diego
5   genco   san francisco
6   acme    miami

I want to query for the queue position of each company group to show where in line each company is (imagine acme has 1,000 rows before 500 Genco starts and then acme has 5,000 more after the Genco records process). Result I would want would look like the following:

queuePositionId company
1    acme
3    genco
6    acme

I played around with ranking and grouping but the fact that a company group can be multiple times anywhere in the queue kept messing with my aggregates. I also tried a dense_rank but couldn't figure out the ordering. Any ideas?

Best Answer

This is a Gaps and Islands question. See here for more details on problems like this.

This should do what you need:

-- Generate test data
    ID INT
    ,Company NVARCHAR(100)
    ,Location NVARCHAR(100)

INSERT @Companies
FROM    (VALUES (1, 'acme', 'new york')
                ,(2, 'acme', 'philadelphia')
                ,(3, 'genco', 'st.louis')
                ,(4, 'genco', 'san diego')
                ,(5, 'genco', 'san francisco')
                ,(6, 'acme', 'miami')
        ) AS CompanyLocations(ID, Company, Location);

-- Find company positions
;WITH cte_Companies
              WHEN LAG(Company) OVER(ORDER BY ID) = Company  
              THEN 1
              ELSE 0
            END AS CompanyPosition
    FROM @Companies

SELECT ID, Company
FROM cte_Companies
WHERE CompanyPosition = 0

UPDATE Andriy noted that my solution was a SQL Servre 2012+ solution. The following code should work for versions down to 2005.

-- Generate test data
    ID INT
    ,Company NVARCHAR(100)
    ,Location NVARCHAR(100)

INSERT @Companies
FROM    (VALUES (1, 'acme', 'new york')
                ,(2, 'acme', 'philadelphia')
                ,(3, 'genco', 'st.louis')
                ,(4, 'genco', 'san diego')
                ,(5, 'genco', 'san francisco')
                ,(6, 'acme', 'miami')
                -- Further test data
                ,(7, 'genco', 'London')
                ,(8, 'genco', 'Portsmouth')
        ) AS CompanyLocations(ID, Company, Location);

-- Find company positions

SELECT ID, Company
FROM @Companies c1
                        SELECT *
                        FROM @Companies c2
                        WHERE c1.Company = c2.Company
                        AND c1.ID - 1 = c2.ID