SQL Server – Query Not Summing Correctly

sql serversql-server-2008-r2t-sql

I adapted this syntax to fit my need from a post from @ypercubeᵀᴹ – but in my instance shown below – the Select statement only returns the top most value for the patientID it does not SUM() the value for each DoctorName listed. In this instance, I want the SUM() for TotalBill by each DoctorName

What is set-up wrong in the query below?

Declare @TotalBill Table
     doctorname varchar(100)
    ,patientid varchar(10)
    ,totalbill decimal(10,2)
    ,vdate date

Declare @HospitalInfo Table
     doctorname varchar(100)
    ,patientid varchar(10)
    ,vdate date
INSERT INTO @TotalBill (doctorname, totalbill, patientid, vdate) VALUES
('Doctor Z',    '11.48',    '4321',         '2017-01-25'),
('Doctor Z',    '11804.00', '3431',         '2017-01-31'),
('Doctor Z',    '879.40',   '1111',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor Z',    '11.24',    '0089',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor A',    '11.24',    '6654',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor A',    '55.11',    '0011',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor A',    '66.24',    '5466',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor A',    '22.24',    '1098',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor A',    '13.24',    '9987',         '2017-01-26')

Insert Into @HospitalInfo (doctorname, patientid, vdate) Values
('Doctor Z',    '1111',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor Z',    '0089',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor Z',    '3431',         '2017-01-31'),
('Doctor Z',    '4321',         '2017-01-25'),
('Doctor A',    '6654',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor A',    '0011',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor A',    '5466',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor A',    '1098',         '2017-01-26'),
('Doctor A',    '9987',         '2017-01-26')

Declare @Startdate datetime = '01/01/2017', @Enddate datetime = '01/31/2017'
,[Total Bill] = COALESCE(sumTB,0)
    ( SELECT [doctorname]
             ,rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY a.[doctorname]
                                     ORDER BY [patientid])
      FROM @HospitalInfo As a
    ) As a
    ( SELECT sumTB = SUM(b.[totalbill])
      FROM @TotalBill b
      WHERE a.patientid = b.patientid
      AND a.[doctorname] = b.[doctorname]
        AND a.rn = 1
    ) AS b 
WHERE CAST([vdate] As Date) BETWEEN @Startdate AND @Enddate

My desired output is like the image below. SUM the totalbill – and only show it for ONE patientID. I do not care if it is a random id or the Max() or Min() as longn as it is only one


Best Answer

remove a.patientid = b.patientid from the outer apply() where clause:

Declare @Startdate datetime = '01/01/2017', @Enddate datetime = '01/31/2017'
,[Total Bill] = COALESCE(sumTB,0)
    ( SELECT [doctorname]
             ,rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY a.[doctorname]
                                     ORDER BY [patientid])
      FROM @HospitalInfo As a
    ) As a
    ( SELECT sumTB = SUM(b.[totalbill])
      FROM @TotalBill b
      WHERE /*a.patientid = b.patientid
      AND*/ a.[doctorname] = b.[doctorname]
        AND a.rn = 1
    ) AS b 
WHERE CAST([vdate] As Date) BETWEEN @Startdate AND @Enddate

results: http://rextester.com/ZWS42033

| doctorname | patientid | Total Bill |
| Doctor A   |      0011 | 168,07     |
| Doctor A   |      1098 | 0,00       |
| Doctor A   |      5466 | 0,00       |
| Doctor A   |      6654 | 0,00       |
| Doctor A   |      9987 | 0,00       |
| Doctor Z   |      0089 | 12706,12   |
| Doctor Z   |      1111 | 0,00       |
| Doctor Z   |      3431 | 0,00       |
| Doctor Z   |      4321 | 0,00       |