Sql-server – Query mail logs for xp_sendmail


Using SQL Server 2008, I can query sysmail_log and other tables to see the results of sql emails.

Is anything remotely similar available for querying email logs in SQL Server 2000?

Best Answer

Using xp_sendmail I believe the only history you will find is:

  • Critical events that were severe enough to warrant an entry into SQL Server's error log. This does not include things like bounces, undeliverables, malformed addresses, etc.

  • The history of the e-mail account that is used to start Outlook on the server. So for example you will see sent items there, and bounces / undeliverables in their inbox (if the account accepts incoming mail). This will depend, of course, on what's backing that account - e.g. Exchange.

There are many reasons this feature was deprecated in favor of Database Mail. Unfortunately you need to upgrade to take advantage of better functionality.