SQL Server – Faster Queries in SSMS 2008R2 Compared to SSMS 2016


I am connecting to a database server(MSSQL 2008R2) using SSMS 2016 and for simple queries even like "USE DBNAME", it's taking 4-5 secs. However time stat shows "CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms", not sure why?

On the other hand, If I connect the same server using SSMS 2008R2, it gets executed instantly.

I compared client statistics for both SSMS2008R2 AND 2016 but both shows almost same stats.

Why my SSMS2016 is behaving like this?

Best Answer

Changing the below setting and uninstalling some add ons for SSMS 2016 helped me -

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\13.0\UserFeedbackOptIn

Thanks @Kin.