I have an Azure VM with Windows Server 2012 R2 and SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition. I have enabled IFI (added SQL Server user NTSERVICE\MSSQLSERVER
to "Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks").
I have tried to restore a 3 GB database with files on C drive (SSD) which took about 40 minutes to complete. Checking restore progress, after about 20 minutes it was at 100% complete.
constantly showing up for my restore.
40 minutes for 3 GB database is too much.
Files being on C drive (not good) and with all the rest of activity that was on C drive – could have this impact my restore that bad taking it to 40 minutes, having in mind this is still a SSD drive?
Is there anything else I could look for in order to find what is causing it to take THAT long?
I have checked the following so far:
1 – checked with EXEC xp_cmdshell "whoami /priv"
and I get SeManageVolumePrivilege Perform volume maintenance tasks Enabled
– so sql server user does have permissions
2 – restarted sqlservice, just to be sure, after the answers below
3 – checked creating a new database with trace flags 3004,3605
ON and it's only logging ldf zeroing, not MDF – so IFI is ON
Best Answer
wBob is right on the money, you need a service restart. I wanted to enhance his answer and give a script that will also verify that IFI is indeed enabled.
This will determine whether or not you need to kick the service to allow the local policy to take.