Sql-server – Practicing AlwaysOn on SQL Server 2014 – Windows 10 Home

availability-groupssql serversql server 2014windows 10

What possible solution(s) are there to practice AlwaysOn feature on SQL server 2014 installed on Windows 10 Home edition?

I am learning Database Administration on my own and have installed Trial version of SQL Server 2014 on my home laptop for 'playing around'. Going into Configuration Manager I found that I need to have Windows Server 2008 or later OS to work with AlwaysOn. Is there any way to bypass this requirement (with any patch or service pack) or what other solution can anyone kindly recommend.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

SQL Server 2016 will allow for Availability Groups without a domain, but sorry, I don't think your operating system is going to cut it.

To support your scenario, you could put an eval of a proper server OS in a virtual machine or dual boot scenario, but to really test AGs, you'd need multiple copies of Windows in order to understand failover, availability modes, etc. And if you're trying to beef up your skills for a potential job, this edge case scenario is probably not the type of thing a company serious about HA/DR would have any interest in, because they're unlikely to be avoiding domains...