Sql-server – Pivoting 4 by 44 result set

ctepivotsql serversql-server-2012unpivot

I have a SQL Server query that gets the sales data for a 44 store market chain, it includes 4 values for each store (Sales, COGS, GP and GP Margin), I declared a CTE and joined it 44 times for each store to get the 4 values as columns for each store as shown below:

Query: Query1

Result 1

but when I try to use PIVOT function with dynamic SQL it returns multiple nulls as shown below:

Result 2

the table ##tbl1 includes the data set that I want to pivot:

I used the following query: (the three dots represent the rest of the columns to be pivoted)

select * from ##tbl1 

pivot (sum(total_sales)     for s in ([50001 Sales],[50002 Sales],...)) as pv_tb 
pivot (sum(Margin)          for m in ([50001 margin],[50002 margin],...)) as pv_tb1
pivot (sum(total_profit)    for p in ([50001 profit],[50002 profit],...)) as pv_tb2
pivot (sum(total_cost)      for c in ([50001 cost],[50002 cost],...)) as pv_tb3

I also use dynamic SQL to pass the column names inside the pivot without having to type each one of them individually, but for the sake of troubleshooting I just showed you how the query would look.

I can't get around using CROSS APPLY and UNPIVOT with this 132 column result, it's very hard to maintain.

Can anyone help me find a way is there anyway easier than this?

Best Answer

  WITH Sales_CTE ([50001 Sales], [50002 Sales], [50001 margin],[50002 margin],[50001 profit],[50002 profit],[50001 cost],[50002 cost])  
select * from 
    select rtrim(cast(csstor as char))+' Sales' as s
            ,rtrim(cast(csstor as char))+' margin' as m
            ,rtrim(cast(csstor as char))+' profit' as p
            ,rtrim(cast(csstor as char))+' cost' as c
    from sales
    ) as result_1
pivot (sum(total_price)     for s in ([50001 Sales],[50002 Sales])) as pv_tb 
pivot (sum(Margin)          for m in ([50001 margin],[50002 margin])) as pv_tb1
pivot (sum(total_profit)    for p in ([50001 profit],[50002 profit])) as pv_tb2
pivot (sum(total_cost)      for c in ([50001 cost],[50002 cost])) as pv_tb3)
MAX([50001 Sales]) as [50001 Sales]
, MAX([50002 Sales]) AS [50002 Sales]
, MAX([50001 margin]) AS [50001 margin]
,MAX([50002 margin]) AS [50002 margin]
,MAX([50001 profit]) AS [50002 margin]
,MAX([50002 profit]) AS [50002 profit]
,MAX([50001 cost]) AS [50001 cost]
,MAX([50002 cost]) AS [50002 cost]

Result is

    50001 Sales     50002 Sales 50001 margin    50002 margin    50002 margin    50002 profit    50001 cost  50002 cost
1   39498,300       31647,150   12,562300       11,159300      4961,932         3531,624        34536,3675  28115,5264