SQL Server – Performance Counter MSSQLInstance\SQL Errors\Errors/sec\Info Errors

perfmonsql server

Im wondering what kind of errors would show up in the:

SQL Errors\Errors/sec\Info errors

performance counter. I read the TechNet article it just states:

Information related to error messages that provide information to
users but do not cause errors.

Anyone can shed some light on this, examples of what errors might show up here is more than welcome.

Best Answer

I tested this counter and for info errors the following increased the counter (not an exhaustive list): connect, shrink, backup,script database, modify stored proc, select top 1000 rows, new query, using autosense, starting profiler, stopping trace, activity monitor, new login, pulling up properties for a login, database, or the server.

User Errors: Messages in the query results when there is incorrect syntax, or table doesn't exist, that sort of thing. Taking a database offline or bringing a database online. Killing a process.

Interesting notes: starting Job Activity Monitor generated both User and Info. Starting a job generated both User and Info. Changing a server option (max server memory) did not increase the counter.