Sql-server – Passing values to variables defined in SSIS package at run time

sql serverssis

I need to pass values to the variables in a SSIS package at run time. Obviously it is not practical to open BIDS and set a variable every time the package needs to be run. We run it on SQL Server 2008 R2.

What is the best way to do that?

For example we have 3 variables used in the package. 1 of them are populated in the packages on fly, the other 2 needs to be specified from begining:

Let's say we have these variables defined in the package:

  • @Rec_Count (No need to set a value at run time – it will be populated
    by a dataflow automatically)

  • @Fetch_Size (Should be set a value when the package is kicked off)

  • @File_Path (Should be set a value when the package is kicked off)

How can we set the last two variables in run time by the user?

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

You can have the values specified in a .dtsconfig file, or you can set them using the /SET option of dtexec.exec