SQL Server T-SQL – How to Pass Multiple Rows to a Function

sql servert-sql

I was looking into XLeratorDB's XIRR function and I see they have an example like this:

SELECT wct.XIRR(cf_amt, cf_date, NULL) as IRR
            ) n(cf_date, cf_amt)
This produces the following result.

(1 row(s) affected)

I didn't know that it was possible to send a table to a function in this way. I'm wondering how that is done in SQL Server.

Note: I'm not asking about how to do an XIRR calculation, rather about the syntax that can let you pass the result of a select like that to a function without first inserting it into a table variable and passing that variable.

Best Answer

That particular function is a SQLCLR User-Defined Aggregrate (UDA). It is being called multiple times, once per each output row (pre-HAVING clause, if one is present). A UDA maintains state between executions so in some respects it does access all rows within a particular group, but it only gets one row at a time, and needs to store info for future calls.

Otherwise, SQLCLR functions cannot accept multiple rows. T-SQL functions, however, do have the ability to accept multiple rows via a Table-Valued Parameter (TVP).