Sql-server – Partial Data Export – MS SQL

sql serverssms

In SQL Server Management Studio 2014, How to apply a WHERE condition during Generating Script (Data only) for a particular Table?

I'm using Generate Scripts method as I dont have Remote Server access to download Database Backup. However, as the table rows are around 15k and each row is heavy, the script is not generating for the particular table.

Best Answer

You can't directly filter SSMS's commands, but here's an easy workaround:

Create another table with the subset of data you want to export:

USE TemporaryStagingDatabase;
  INTO dbo.MyTemporaryDestinationTable
  FROM SourceDatabase.dbo.MySourceTable
  WHERE (my filtering conditions);

Ideally, you do this in a different database so you don't bloat the data & log files with your temporary export work.

Then, use SSMS's magical wizards to export the data from your staging table. (If you have to do this a lot, though, check out SSIS.)