Sql-server – ny way to run the definition of multiple stored procedure at a time

sql serversql-server-2005

I have created the definition of more than 200 stored procedures. My problem is that I have to execute them on a different server and on a different database.
The process which I am following is that first I check each stored procedure that it exists on that server and database or not. If not then I create them else I drop the earlier definition and create the new one.

So I just wanted to know that is there any other way out. As I have to perform this activity for each stored procedure. I want to create a script or so, which can run and create the definition of all my stored procedure on the server and database.

Best Answer

Try right clicking on the database in Management Studio and selecting Tasks > Generate Scripts. The wizard that runs will let you create scripts for any objects in the database. In your case you'll want to select all "Stored Procedures".

In SQL Server 2008, you can click the "Advanced" button and change the value of the "Script DROP and CREATE" property to "Script DROP and CREATE" if you want to generate both scripts.

In SQL Server 2005, you may need to generate one set of DROP scripts and then another set of CREATE scripts (sorry I don't have an instance handy to test with).

See this link for more info: