SQL Server Identity Column – How to Manage Fast Incrementing Values


I have a table with pretty basic design: 1 primary key (id), 1 unique column (filename) (the filename of the file I am tracking)

The primary key is an identity column (bigint) (I had to make it bigint recently because it's growing so fast)

There are only 82318 rows in the table but the identity for the last row I inserted is 2147891928.

Identity spec is on, starts at 1 increment by 1

If I go through the table ordered by id DESC I can see it jumped from time to time, sometimes by 40, sometimes by 100, 1000, 10000 or more. Is this related to the SQL Server restart seed "FEATURE" in SQL Server 2012? Because it sounds slightly different

I have a script that runs and tries to insert filenames into the SQL from a folder, if the filename already exists nothing should happen because its setup as unique right? or does it use an auto increment digit?

Best Answer

Identity values are not affected by ROLLBACK operations, so if you insert rows in your table and then issue a ROLLBACK, the identity column will be incremented anyway. Even if your UNIQUE constraint causes the INSERT commands to fail, the identity values are consumed anyway.


IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test_identity') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #test_identity;

CREATE TABLE #test_identity (
    i int identity(1,1),
    name varchar(50) UNIQUE

INSERT INTO #test_identity (name) VALUES ('aaaa')
INSERT INTO #test_identity (name) VALUES ('aaaa') --fails

-- 1 row inserted, ident_current = 3
SELECT * FROM #test_identity

INSERT INTO #test_identity (name) VALUES ('aaaa') --fails
INSERT INTO #test_identity (name) VALUES ('aaaa') --fails

-- 0 row inserted, ident_current = 5
SELECT * FROM #test_identity

INSERT INTO #test_identity (name) VALUES ('bbbb')

-- 1 row inserted, ident_current = 6
SELECT * FROM #test_identity

INSERT INTO #test_identity (name) VALUES ('aaaa') --fails
INSERT INTO #test_identity (name) VALUES ('aaaa') --fails

-- 0 row inserted, ident_current = 8
SELECT * FROM #test_identity

INSERT INTO #test_identity (name) VALUES ('cccc')

-- 1 row inserted, ident_current = 9
SELECT * FROM #test_identity

The SQL Server 2012 jump in identity columns might be part of your issue, but I guess it has a minor impact on what you're seeing.

Identity values are not guaranteed to be contiguous by design, so if you're relying in "no holes" in your identities, you may want to reconsider your assumptions.