Sql-server – MSSQL Server XE column client_connection_id accessible through system view/table for auditing

ado.netextended-eventsprofilersql server

In our .NET application we create a SqlConnection to talk to the database.
After the connection is opened, we get the ClientConnectionId, a GUID.

Within the extended events I can manage to trace the information what happens on the database regarding this ClientConnectionId via the column client_connection_id (for e.g. in the sql_statement_completed event).

Looking at the sys.dm_exec_sessions or the sys.dm_exec_connections I can't find a matching to the client_connection_id from the extended event.
In sys.dm_exec_connnections is a column connection_id but the uuid differs from the one created by the SqlClient in .NET.


Where does the SQL Server store the client_connection_id (table/view) and is this accessible without creating an extended event?


Our support team still uses the SQL Profiler and don't know anything about extended events. The profiler is good enough to get some small insight what happens on the database which then can be handed over to the developing team for further investigations.

Usually we used the SPID, but there will be some changes made to the application where we will use connection pooling in the future and with ef core there will be no permanent connection opened for each client, but rather for each db query a new connection.

Now I am trying to get a solution in how to be still possible to audit the database for each client (and not too complex for the support team).
Manipulate the application name or the hostname in the connectionstring would be another possibility, but I doubt this is recommended.

Any thoughts and help are warmly appreciated.

Best Answer

You may use this and filter using program_name, login, IP address...

select c.connection_id from sys.dm_exec_connections c
join sys.dm_exec_sessions s on c.session_id=s.session_id