Sql-server – MSDB – Backup information is not updating

backupsql server

I'am having a problem in my database

My backup job is working correctly, but the tables of msdb is not updating the information.

Here is my case, if you see, My last transaction log backup was in 2020/05/23 05:00:00 in my job history:

enter image description here

But in the msdb tables like msdb.dbo.backupset and msdb.dbo.backupediafamily is not updating.. the last backup was in 2020/05/22 01:00:00:

enter image description here

How can I resolve it?

Best Answer

As you are running SQL Server 2012 it might be this bug.

Check also this article: "Could not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in the msdb database" While restoring msdb