MS SQL Server – Incremental Backup Interrupted Due to Full Backup

backupmsdbsql server

I have a manual full backup happening every night, post which I am taking differential backup after every hour but after three to four differential backups a full backup happened through third party automated backup happen, which is not in my control.

Can any please suggest the best approach to be followed if I don't want to stop the automated backup taken by third party and differential backup not to be failed because of this?.

Best Answer

While you can't control if the backup happens, could you ask the third party to change how the backup is taken? Using the COPY_ONLY option stops backups from interrupting other backup sequences, so if they add that to their process it will stop interfering with your's. See for more info.

That is the only option that doesn't require an extra copy of the database. Other than that you could maintain a replica and have the 3rd party take their backups from there (or take your backups from there).