MS Access Attachments to SQL Server – Images or Varchar(max)

ms accesssql server

I am trying to move a database from MS Access to SQL Server 2014 and I am using SSMA for Access. A few of the tables have attachments (pdfs, jpgs, emails, etc.).

When I move it to SQL Server, the attachments show up as File Names:
enter image description here

Is there anyway to do this from MS Access side or SQL Server side?

I downloaded all the files to my system and was thinking of matching the names with the files in the folder to upload them to the database through SQL, but then there are multiple files for one row in some instances, so basically I'm not sure how to go about it.

Best Answer

If the files was in the same sql server you can you the OPENROWSET like this

Select * from Openrowset(Bulk 'C:\HaxLogs.txt', SINGLE_BLOB) as a

Or in the remote server

Select * from Openrowset(Bulk '\\server\backup\CSVcontagem_SEND_Akarollynegs.csv', SINGLE_BLOB) as a