SQL Server Deadlocks – Monitoring Deadlocks in SQL Server 2014

deadlockextended-eventssql serversql server 2014trace-flags

We are experiencing deadlocks on SQL Server 2014 and I am trying to capture as much information about them as I can.

There is already Extended Events Session that captures xml_deadlock_report events and I can see deadlock graph in SSMS.

Currently there are no trace flags enabled on this SQL Server. Will enabling flags 1204 and 1222 help to capture any additional information? It seems these flags don't apply to Extended Events but I am not 100% sure.

Best Answer

Adding Trace flag 1204 and 1222 will not help you to capture any additional information in SQL Server 2014 edition.

I also asked the question in twitter with #sqlhelp hashtag, if anybody can think of any reason to use trace flag over XE tracing. Answer I received, Extended event is superior to using Trace Flag. You should only use Trace Flag for legacy purpose.