SSMS – Missing Diagram Option in SQL Server 2008


I would like to create a relationship between to tables. Normally and in previous versions of sql server and the management studio I would go to database diagrams and draw the relation in the diagram.

my ssms 2016 ctp2

I have an 2008 sql server and the ssms 2016 ctp2 client. Am I missing something? tested it too by connecting to an other sql server with other credentials etc.

it is there when I use remote desktop to work on the database server… and connect with a windows account. what am i doing wrong?

He lost me at the 48th second:

enter image description here
this seems related to
but what caused the diagram node to disappear when logged in remotely?

Best Answer

Are you a member of db_owner?

See this:

To use Database Diagram Designer, it must first be set up by a member of the db_owner role to control access to diagrams (