Looking at your RAM availablity for this particular server and you are running several databases ranging from 30GB to 5 GB, you definitely need more RAM on this server.
You have not mentioned that this is a stand alone instance or this server is having more than one instance of sql server running.
Your MAX Memory settings seems OK for a server having 8GB RAM. See these suggested best practice settings from Glenn Berry.
I would highly recommend you to do a baseline of your environment using below PERFMON counters to get a good value of your memory configuration :
- SQL Server:Buffer Manager\Page Life Expectancy
- SQL Server:Buffer Manager\Page reads/sec
- Physical Disk\Disk Reads/sec
- Memory\Available Mbytes
- SQL Server: Memory Manager - Total Server Memory
- SQL Server: Memory Manager - Target Server Memory
Total Server Memory: Amount of memory currently allocated to Buffer Pool and not the total amount of memory to SQL Server
Target Server memory: Ideal Size of the buffer pool corresponding to max memory for the instance.
Note: If Total Server Memory > Target Server memory, then it suggests memory pressure.
Below script will help you find LOW or HIGH Memory notifications from sys.dm_os_ring_buffers
- system health session :
SELECT CONVERT (varchar(30), GETDATE(), 121) as [RunTime],
dateadd (ms, (rbf.[timestamp] - tme.ms_ticks), GETDATE()) as [Notification_Time],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/ResourceMonitor/Notification)[1]', 'varchar(30)') AS [Notification_type],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryRecord/MemoryUtilization)[1]', 'bigint') AS [MemoryUtilization %],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryNode/@id)[1]', 'bigint') AS [Node Id],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/ResourceMonitor/IndicatorsProcess)[1]', 'int') AS [Process_Indicator],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/ResourceMonitor/IndicatorsSystem)[1]', 'int') AS [System_Indicator],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryNode/ReservedMemory)[1]', 'bigint') AS [SQL_ReservedMemory_KB],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryNode/CommittedMemory)[1]', 'bigint') AS [SQL_CommittedMemory_KB],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryNode/AWEMemory)[1]', 'bigint') AS [SQL_AWEMemory],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryNode/SinglePagesMemory)[1]', 'bigint') AS [SinglePagesMemory],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryNode/MultiplePagesMemory)[1]', 'bigint') AS [MultiplePagesMemory],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryRecord/TotalPhysicalMemory)[1]', 'bigint') AS [TotalPhysicalMemory_KB],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryRecord/AvailablePhysicalMemory)[1]', 'bigint') AS [AvailablePhysicalMemory_KB],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryRecord/TotalPageFile)[1]', 'bigint') AS [TotalPageFile_KB],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryRecord/AvailablePageFile)[1]', 'bigint') AS [AvailablePageFile_KB],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryRecord/TotalVirtualAddressSpace)[1]', 'bigint') AS [TotalVirtualAddressSpace_KB],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/MemoryRecord/AvailableVirtualAddressSpace)[1]', 'bigint') AS [AvailableVirtualAddressSpace_KB],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/@id)[1]', 'bigint') AS [Record Id],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/@type)[1]', 'varchar(30)') AS [Type],
cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/@time)[1]', 'bigint') AS [Record Time],
tme.ms_ticks as [Current Time]
FROM sys.dm_os_ring_buffers rbf
cross join sys.dm_os_sys_info tme
where rbf.ring_buffer_type = 'RING_BUFFER_RESOURCE_MONITOR'
--and cast(record as xml).value('(//Record/ResourceMonitor/Notification)[1]', 'varchar(30)') = 'RESOURCE_MEMPHYSICAL_LOW'
ORDER BY rbf.timestamp ASC
Some good references :
The memory counters in Task Manager or Resource Monitor are not a good way to determine SQL Server's memory usage. If SQL Server is using locked pages, these do not show in the working set or private bytes.
There are many ways to determine if SQL Server is using locked pages. You can look for a message like the following in the error log:
Using locked pages in the memory manager
Or, check the sys.dm_os_process_memory
DMV locked_page_allocations_kb
column. For example, on a local test instance using locked pages I see this:
Whereas Resource Monitor shows:
Note this is different from the sys.dm_os_sys_memory
DMV you mention in the question comments.
There is all sorts of other useful memory usage information in the DMVs, including high-or-low virtual or physical memory indications. These are all described in Books Online.
It seems probable that someone has granted the SeLockMemoryPrivilege
to the SQL Server start-up account recently, or the account has been changed to LocalSystem
, which has this privilege by default.
Generally speaking, locking pages in memory is a good thing.
Best Answer
Do you mean NOT multi-dimensional ONLY TABULAR?
If so:
It's not best practice to install SSAS and SQL Server together on one server as the SSAS (Tabular) VertiPaq Engine works totally different than SQL Engine and it's (VertiPaq) is more memory intensive unless the models configured as DirectQuery mode. You could may have different VM for each of them if the license covered physical server cores
If not so:
I don't think that is practical as you must select either option TABULAR/MULTI-DIMENSIONAL during SSAS Installation. if you mean, there is no use of either SSAS options, you could simply uninstall it from the server
Yes, it's recommended to configure maximum server memory setting when there are multiple instances on the same server (other applications on database server not recommended), depending on the instance workload you could set max server memory setting, leaving minimum ~4GB to OS. I have seen ~16GB memory (for SSRS dedicated server) sufficient to handle around 150 users requests
Consider following settings are same as maximum server memory in SQL Server