Sql-server – Measuring Availability Group synchronization lag – Clarifications

availability-groupsfilestreamsql server 2014

Can I get some help on below

As I have started and learning about the Measuring of Availability Group synchronization lag between replicas inclusive of BCP , I want to understand and learn that does this query or dashboard show the values including FileStream synchronization lag ?

My Databases are with FileStream enabled .
I am using SQL Server 2014 SP2 AOAG.

Please help me understand the above point and kindly advise me with good link or query to measure the Sync lad between replicas.

Best Answer

I learned that the AG Dashboard is made up using the sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states results . Thanks for all help.

I got an answer what I am looking for :

filestream_send_rate (bigint )

The rate at which the FILESTREAM files are shipped to the secondary replica, in kilobytes (KB)/second.