Sql-server – Manually entering data using Management Studio


How can I enter data through the GUI interface rather than an insert command in SQL Server Management Studio 2012? I can't find it anywhere whereas there used to be an option in the previous versions. There used to be a table GUI where you could point to a certain record and add/modify date. Can't find it in 2012.

Best Answer

You should be able to add new rows by right-clicking the table that you're interested in, and then selecting Edit Top 200 Rows.

If required, the value for this can be increased from 200 via the tools menu: Tools -> Options -> SQL Server Object Explorer -> Value for Edit Top <n> Rows command.

Presumably, the reason that they limit the number of rows returned is because this is not a robust way to manipulate data. The risk that you'll press the wrong key and accidentally overwrite important data is quite high.

If this isn't a live, production-critical database, and you're interested in regularly working with the data in a tabular/spreadsheet view, you may want to consider linking Microsoft Access to your database.