Sql-server – Log shipping restore job failing

log-shippingsql server 2014sql-server-2012

Created a transaction log shipping configuration between two SQL Servers (different VMs) using the built in wizard. Backup job runs on primary server, copy and restore jobs run on secondary server.

The restore job fails giving the following message (message is in job history):

Error: The restore operation cannot proceed because the secondary
database 'My_DB_Name' is not in NORECOVERY/STANDBY

Under my secondary database Properties > Options, I see recovery model is set to Full. What do I need to do to make the restore job run?

Best Answer

As the error indicates you, your secondary database is not ready for log shipping or it is online. Before you start the actual log shipping process, you need to make secondary database ready for the log shipping. Either you can leave the secondary database under restoring mode and then let SQL Server take snapshot of your primary database, or you can take a full and transnational backup of primary database and restore it on your secondary DB using no recovery mode then continue your log shipping process.