Sql-server – Log Shipping Copy Job Fails once in a while

copylog-shippingsql server

I have configured log shipping at multiple database server with monitored server(separate server) and all of them are running fine without any issues.

One particular server has 7 database and the log shipping copy job fails once in a while for all databases, when I checked the error message, every time error remains same:

*** Error: The network path was not found.
(mscorlib) ***

This issue is not persistent and occurs at random time and at any given day(not every day). Below is details of log shipping schedule:

  1. Log backup job is scheduled to run every 15 minute at primary
    server(file is generated at monitoring server).
  2. LS Copy job is scheduled to run every 15 minute at secondary
    server, at the gap of 5 minute from log backup job.
  3. LS restore job is scheduled to run at 15 minutes at secondary
    server, at the gap of 5 minutes from LS copy job.

Above jobs are having delay of 5 minutes considering network speed and file size.

Can anyone please suggest what could be the underlying issue.

For time being, I have asked Infra admin to add server name along with its IP in the hosts file at secondary server, don't know if this will solve the issue.

Note: Version of Operating System and Database is same at primary, monitoring and secondary server.

Job failed again for all databases pertaining to the same server and file didn't get copied. No details on the error message and very next run which was scheduled 15 minutes later got succeeded. I have no clue on this.

I think there is something wrong with server setting. Any input will be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

This is not SQL-Server error actually,

This occurs when the LS Copy Job tries to copy the file on destination location(On Shared Network location) Now, when the location is not available due to temporary connection loss with network, or due to any reason. (when its connected through internet & VPN reasons can be multiple)

So this can be broadly concluded as Network path was not reachable(not available at that time)

Solution: Check that if network location available before copy. If network location reachable then only Init copy.

I hope this answers what you are looking for.