Sql-server – Log-shipping : Broken Chain

log-shippingsql server

If a write on log shipping transaction backup gets corrupted on one of the transaction file due to network or media issue, and hence the log shipping chain gets broken, is there any other way to restore the database to the point in time ? I understand one could do full backup or diff backups but to restore to point in time, how can we get the consecutive tran logs to be restored?
Any pointers on this will be beneficial.
(Even if the solution is to contact Microsoft or only God can help you, I will buy that :-))

Best Answer

If you are saying your actual backup file is corrupted (the .trn file) but that the backup was successful from SQL Server's perspective, and the source DB is still online, I would take a full backup as soon as possible so you don't lose any data.

You will have to rebuild your log shipping if you've got a corrupt .trn, but your main concern should be having the ability to restore your source data at all if you've got a bad .trn in your chain.