Sql-server – Load testing: The performance of a query is decreasing as the number of parallel executions is increasing

cjavaMySQLparallelismsql server

I'm seeing a slow down when doing load testing on my app.
I have a query that takes about 350ms to run, but what I run it in parallel 8 times (not to mention 32 times), it goes up to 2.5 seconds.

I verified on a profiler that the execution is really what that is taking up the time.

the query:

SELECT SUM([_Facts_].[Sales]) [_measures___Sum Sales_], [_Date_].[year] [_Date___year_]
FROM [pp].[Facts] [_Facts_], [pp].[Date] [_Date_]
WHERE [_Facts_].[dateKey] = [_Date_].[dateKey]
GROUP BY [_Date_].[year]
ORDER BY [_Date_].[year] ASC

I'm running 8 parallel processes that make 10 calls in sequence.
For 1 parallel I get:

360, 350, 345, 360, 365, 360, 395, 786, 395, 370, avg:408

For 8 parallel:

515, 1571, 1471, 1326, 1862, 2478, 1922, 3098, 2413, 2032, 2773, 3048, 2453, 2092, 2077, 3359, 2898, 2733, 3018, 2483, 1887, 3023, 3088, 3724, 2317, 2753, 2643, 3284, 3299, 2418, 1907, 1862, 2498, 2838, 2518, 3203, 2613, 2207, 3434, 2613, 3198, 2257, 2593, 2448, 2518, 2968, 2828, 2122, 2963, 2212, 3299, 2988, 3153, 2803, 2157, 2543, 2758, 2998, 2538, 2257, 2788, 2443, 2082, 2613, 3173, 4205, 2603, 2387, 1747, 3854, 3068, 2788,  2603, 3103, 2703, 3198, 1832, 1421, 2217, 1326


2535, 2523, 2571, 2627, 2689, 2469, 2521, 2610

When going to 16 in parallel it went up to even more.

I tried testing on MySql and got the same jump (different test times, but at least 4 times slower when parallel).

Can't these DBs handle the load?!

This happens both in C# and Java:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Parallel.For(0, 8, i => run());

    static void run()
        using (var conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=;User ID=;Password="))

            var cnt = 10;

            long avg = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                var sw = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("SET ARITHABORT ON", conn))
                    cmd.CommandText =
                        "SELECT SUM([_Facts_].[Sales]) [_measures___Sum Sales_], [_Date_].[year] [_Date___year_]\n" +
                        "FROM [pp].[Facts] [_Facts_], [pp].[Date] [_Date_]\n" +
                        "WHERE [_Facts_].[dateKey] = [_Date_].[dateKey] \n" +
                        "GROUP BY [_Date_].[year]\n" +
                        "ORDER BY [_Date_].[year] ASC";

                    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        var x = 0;
                        while (reader.Read())



                var dif = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - sw) / 1000;
                avg += dif;


            Console.WriteLine("avg:" + avg / cnt);


public void asdf() throws SQLException {

   Runnable r = () -> {
      try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=", "", "")) {

         long avg = 0;

         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

            try (Statement statement = conn.createStatement()) {
               StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();

               ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT SUM([_Facts_].[Sales]) [_measures___Sum Sales_], [_Date_].[year] [_Date___year_]\n" +
                     "FROM [pp].[Facts] [_Facts_], [pp].[Date] [_Date_]\n" +
                     "WHERE [_Facts_].[dateKey] = [_Date_].[dateKey] \n" +
                     "GROUP BY [_Date_].[year]\n" +
                     "ORDER BY [_Date_].[year] ASC");

               int x = 0;
               while (resultSet.next()) {



      } catch (SQLException e) {
      } finally {


   ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8);
   for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

   try {
      executor.awaitTermination(12312313, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {


The 2 tables are ~1,000 rows and ~420,000 rows.
The join is ~420,000 rows and the result it 3 rows.

There is a PK on date.dateKey and FK on facts.
These are tables, not views.

I checked with profiler to verify that the duration is the actual execution time of the query, and not the app's run-time.

The SqlServer has 16 cores, so I would hope for the 8 queries to run in parallel and not stack up.

On the server, CPU for 1 query goes up to 50%. for 8 it gets to 95%.

network/memory/IO doesn't seem to change dramatically.



So i tried playing with the limitations of the parallelism. The conclusion is that the DB uses all cores for each query and the cores are overwhelmed by multiple calls. if i turn down the parallelism to 1 then each query is slower but i can run multiple queries without taking a hit.

guessing that it's just the hardware limitations and there is not "magic" solution for the general case – only tweaking the queries.

btw, it seems that the biggest part of the hit is the joining.

Thanks everyone!

Best Answer

If running your query multiple times in serial takes 50% overall of a 16 core CPU, that means it's going parallel internally (i.e. SQL Server is splitting up the work over multiple cores), and you can't expect linear gains by running it in parallel "externally" (or whatever the correct terminology would be...).

Try your tests again with "OPTION(MAXDOP 1)" added to the query (SQL Server only), which will ensure each run only uses one core, and I think you'll see what I mean.