Sql-server – Is it possible to view the maintenance plans created in SQL Server 2000 in SSMS 2005


Is it possible to view the maintenance plans created in SQL Server 2000 (also running on the same SQL server 2000) in SQL 2005 Server Manangement Studio? I have the server added in my SSMS, but when I expand the Management folder, I don't see the Maintenance Plans folder like what I'd expect from a 2005 server.

For example, we have an optimization plan scheduled to run every week in SQL Server Agent and the command used to run this is: xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID F7491D04-CDBA-496F-AE57-C2C5A3E3C8F8 (plus a bunch of options). I have no idea how to view this!

Best Answer

SQL 2000 maintenance plans are just SQL Jobs with a bunch of parameters. You can easily enough just look at the parameters which are passed to sqlmaint.