SQL Server NAS – Can MDF and LDF Files Be Stored on Synology NAS?

sql serversql-server-2012

I'm planning to purchase NAS (synology) for personal use. I'm working also as developer, it is possible to put my test database (SQL server data and log) to NAS? This just for personal and for development purpose. Because I have two pc setup on 1st floor and 2nd floor of our house, I just don't want to copy and paste the database every now and then when I go to my pc to another. Or do you have any suggestion?

Best Answer

You should be able to store the files on the NAS.

A bigger problem will be moving between PCs. Each machine will be its own instance of SQL Server. It will not be possible for both instances to own the database files at the same time. You will have to attach the file to one instance, work on that machine, detach from that machine, go to the other and attach the files to that instance before you can work on the DB.

A simpler approach would would be to have one of your boxes (the more powerful one) own the files permanently. Use the other box to remotely communicate with the owning box. Use a remote desktop session, or simply have SSMS (or other client tool) resolve to the host\instance name.