SQL Server 2012 – Configure Multiple Database Mail IDs in Single Account


I would like to say that as i want to configure multiple database mail in single account name in sql server 2012.

This is SQL-Cluster-DB , so as per direction from head, If any sql job will fail , then notification should be myself (i,e; DBA) as well as System Administrator.

For single account name , a single email id is working properly. when i am going to change 'Outgoing mail server (SMTP)' with one mail id to two mail id like this way:

Outgoing mail server (SMTP)
Email address : first mail id; second mail id
display name : MS SQL Server 2012 Backup notification
reply e-mail : first mail id; second mail id
Server name : (My company mail server)                    Port NO:(my company smtp mail port no)

After configuration of multiple mail id in email address , i am getting this error

The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail
server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 1 (2015-12-02T10:36:37).
Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (The specified
string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.). )

when i am remove one email id from email address as well as reply e-mail of SMTP require configuration , then test mail is working properly.

My Question is like that:
1) Is it possible to configure multiple emailid alert notification in a single account
) Again required 'second account name' for second email alert notification.

My Working environment of SQL server 2012 is like that :

1) windows server 2012 R2
1) Microsoft SQL Server Standard (64-bit)
3)SQL Server is in Cluster Environment (that's why multiple sql alerts notification required)
4)System is in Domain environment.
5)It's Online Server

Any suggestion or help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

Create Database Email operator

Step 1: enter image description here

Step 2: enter image description here

Step 3: enter image description here

One More step enable Sql Server Agent properties for notifying alerts and restart agent once these properties are settled.

Sql Server Agent -> Properties -> enter image description here

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