Sql-server – Is each query batch in a dynamic SQL statement executed sequentially or can it be parallelized, when using sp_ExecuteSql

dynamic-sqloptimizationparallelismsql serversql-server-2016

I have about 500 databases that are all structured the same but the data is unique in each database. Sometimes I write dynamic SQL statements to hit all (or a subset) of those databases and will execute it with sp_ExecuteSql.

Is SQL Server able to paraellelize each batch of queries and is there a way I can tell when it will parallelize them? (I guess I could print my dynamic SQL, and copy the query batches into a new worksheet and look at the execution plan to verify if the optimizer is planning on parallelizing them.)

Typically I'm trying to aggregate the data from each database into one temp table I declare outside of the dynamic SQL. Here's an example:


SELECT TOP 0 -1 AS DatabaseId, -1 AS ResultId, -1 AS ResultValue
INTO #Results

SELECT @DynamicSql = @DynamicSql +
    USE [' + T.DatabaseName + '];

    INSERT INTO #Results
    SELECT ' + CAST(T.DatabaseId AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' AS DatabaseId, T.ResultId, T.ResultValue
    FROM SomeTable AS T
    WHERE T.SomeCondition = ''SomeValue'';
FROM MyToolkit.dbo.vwDatabaseInstances

--PRINT @DynamicSql
EXEC sp_ExecuteSql @DynamicSql 

FROM #Results

Best Answer

Looking at the execution plan, you can see that every query is done as a different query. Again, if you want to see if those query are using parallelism, you will see it in the execution plan.

If each of the query can go parallel, then they will.

Running this query agains StackOverFlow2013 DB:

create table #tbl (tbl varchar(30)); insert into #tbl values ('Comments'),('Comments')


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #Results SELECT TOP 0 -1 AS DatabaseId, -1 AS ResultId, -1 AS ResultValue INTO #Results

SELECT @DynamicSql = @DynamicSql + 'select top 5000 * from [dbo].['+tbl+'] where text like ''%err%''' FROM #tbl t

EXEC sp_ExecuteSql @DynamicSql


drop table #Results drop table #tbl

you get an execution plan that does both select with parallelism.

enter image description here