SQL Server – Does Database Backup Time Equal Restore Time?

backuprestoresql serversql server 2014

I have a SQL Server Database with 10 GB size. When I performed a backup, it took almost 3-4 minutes. When I tried to restore, it took almost the same 3-4 minutes.

Does this mean backup and restore times of a SQL Server database are always equal, or can they differ?

Kindly suggest and point me the logic behind.

Best Answer


Does this mean backup and restore times of a SQL Server database are always equal, or can they differ?

They are not equal and yes they can (and most likely always) differ.

Kindly suggest and point me the logic behind.

If you read the article from SQLSKills Paul Randal gave high level steps performed during a backup and restore. Which should explain why timing for these two operations are not same.