Sql-server – Invalid use of a side-effecting operator ‘INSERT’ within a function – Multiple Inserts in Function

functionssql servert-sql

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I've just got a bunch of inserts like this toward the end of my scalar function:

   INSERT INTO [Raptor].[dbo].[UserRole]

    INSERT INTO [Raptor].[dbo].[UserRole]

Best Answer

In T-SQL, you cannot modify any data in a function. There is no straightforward way around it. There are some obscure hacks, but I would not use them. Use a stored procedure.

The hack, quoting from Erland Sommarskog:

CREATE FUNCTION loophole(@i int) RETURNS varchar(20) AS
     DECLARE @sql varchar(MAX),
             @cmd varchar(4000)
     SELECT @sql = ' UPDATE rsci ' +
                   ' SET b = CASE ' + ltrim(str(@i + 1)) +
                   ' WHEN 1 THEN ''Ett'' WHEN 2 THEN ''Två''' +
                   ' WHEN 3 THEN ''Tre'' WHEN 4 THEN ''Fyra''' +
                   ' WHEN 5 THEN ''Fem'' WHEN 6 THEN ''Sex''' +
                   ' WHEN 7 THEN ''Sju'' WHEN 8 THEN ''Åtta''' +
                   ' WHEN 9 THEN ''Nio'' WHEN 10 THEN ''Tio'' END' +
                   ' WHERE a = ' + ltrim(str(@i + 1))
     SELECT @cmd = 'sqlcmd -S ' + @@servername + ' -d ' + db_name() +
                   ' -Q "' + @sql + '"'
     EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, 'no_output'
     RETURN (SELECT b FROM rsci WHERE a = @i)