SQL Server – IntelliSense Not Working Even When Enabled

intellisensesql serversql-server-2008

This problem is really proving to be a tricky one (and quite annoying).

In SQL Server Management Studio 2008, up until a few days ago my IntelliSense was working great. Then all of a sudden it stopped. The icon as it as enabled on the toolbar menu, and under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> T-SQL -> IntelliSense it says it is enabled there.

I have tried refeshing the IntelliSense cache with Ctrl-Shft-R but that doesn't work either.

Any ideas what happened to my IntelliSense and what I need to do to get it back?

Best Answer

If you recently upgraded your VisualStudio then see this link for a fix:

The IntelliSense feature in SSMS 2008 R2 may stop working after you install Visual Studio 2010 SP1

Or you could download the fix directly from here:

How to obtain the latest service pack for SQL Server 2008 R2