Sql-server – Inserting Values into Temp Table

sql servert-sql

Can anyone help me to work out below T-SQL code. I am facing issue while adding the second value. The first value gives the state of SQL Service and second value gives the SQL last restart time. I am not a core developer so can anyone help me .

if object_id ('tempdb..#temp1') is not null
drop table tempdb..#temp1

create table #temp1 
([Current Service State] nvarchar(200),

insert into  #temp1
EXEC master.sys.xp_servicecontrol N'querystate',N'MSSQLSERVER',
(select min(login_time) from master..sysprocesses) as SQL_Server_last_RestartOn 

Best Answer

Give this a try

IF object_id('tempdb..#temp1') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #temp1

    [Current Service State] NVARCHAR(200)
    ,[SQL_Server_last_RestartOn] NVARCHAR(200)

INSERT INTO #temp1 ([Current Service State])
EXEC master.sys.xp_servicecontrol N'querystate'

UPDATE #temp1
SET SQL_Server_last_RestartOn = (
        SELECT min(login_time)
        FROM master..sysprocesses

FROM #temp1