Sql-server – Index solution for dynamic query

indexsql serversql server 2014

I have a Credit/Debit table (5 millions records). The application must provide an UI View to search data providing N criteria:

  • Type of date (required) e.g.. Creation date or due-date
  • Date range (required)
  • Status (paid, non-paid or both)
  • Document number
  • Customer ID
  • Type of payment (credit card, money etc)

The user must provide the first two criteria, but the other may be or not be provided. So I have many combinations.

I think I will have to create many indexes such as:

  • ix_search_customerID_dueDate (customerID, dueDate)
  • ix_search_customerID_creationDate (customerID, creationDate)

There's uncountable combinations. I use C# and Entity Framework to generate queries based on which values was provided, that's easy to do, but I don't know how to create indexes to cover all possibilities. Is it possible or should I change the UI logic?

I read this answer so based on this I believe that if I create an index (creationDate, status, document, customerID, typeOfPayment) and the user only provides for example Customer ID the index won't work.

Best Answer

You can't make a single index that supports all of those optional parameters. You can make multiple indexes that do their best to support the most common combinations of parameters, but to support all possible combinations, the overhead is probably not worth it (and you'd have to measure the impact to the write portion of your workload - indexes aren't free).

My solution to the "customer can search in any way they please" problem is to create the kitchen sink procedure, which uses dynamic SQL to construct the where clause depending on the parameters provided. What this does is allow SQL Server to compile a separate plan for each combination of parameters, so that you don't have one massive query that tries to optimize for all scenarios but really can only optimize for very few. The basic approach would be:

  @param1 datatype = NULL,
  @param2 datatype = NULL

  DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = N'SELECT ... FROM dbo.table 
    WHERE 1 = 1'

        N' AND column1 = @param1' END

        N' AND column2 = @param2' END


  EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, N'@param1 datatype, @param2 datatype, ...',
         @param1, @param2, ...;

This will provide you with the opportunity to make the best use of any indexes that have key columns that align with combinations of supplied parameters. You will have to concede that some queries will just not perform well, but this should help minimize those cases.

Additional caveats:

  • You can use OPTION (RECOMPILE) inside the dynamic SQL to thwart parameter sniffing (for example, even when only lastname is supplied, the dynamic SQL alone won't help you generate the best plan every time, since a search for LIKE '%x%' will require a different plan than LIKE '[a-m]%').
  • You should use the optimize for ad hoc workloads setting (see here and here), so that SQL Server doesn't waste valuable plan cache space on potentially complex and large plans that are only used once.