I have vendor production backup that needs to be restored onsite daily. The most frustrating part is that their installation is on SQL 2008 but the DB mode is SQL 2000. sigh!!!
The database in our site will primarily be readonly. The vendor runs any required updates/data changes to the DB on their site during the day and will send the backups to us on a daily basis. It is a smaller bak file now but will grow over time. The goal is to restore incremental updates only.
Possible workaround that I could think of are the following:
- Keep the DB in our side in read only mode (after full backup is restored) and request the vendor to give us the diff backups every day. Of course if they take a full backup , we are back to square one.
- Partition the database and request the vendor to give the partition group backups. This may be difficult because not all tables may be qualified for partition.
- Replication could be an option but the vendor is not ready for this.
- Bulk insert for individual objects could be an option but again the vendor is not ready for it.
- CDC feature could possibly help here but again not in SQL 2000.
If you can share any other ideas that you could think of, that would be very helpful. (I agree the first step should be to asking them to upgrade)
Thanks for all your help.
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editted based on feedback in comments
Couple of questions for you:
If we have some numbers, it's easier to provide you with a better advise.